Mercury - The Communicative Planet In Astrology

Mercury in astrology, or “Budha graha”, represents communication skills, speech, intelligence, humour, writing and education. In fact, the word “Budha” signifies enlightenment or wisdom. This planet rules information of all kinds, be it trading, commerce, television, entertainment industry or radio. It basically governs how smart and practical we are in our daily interactions with the world.

Key Characteristics of Planet Mercury

We now have a basic understanding of the Budh planet or Mercury. Let us see the keywords associated with Mercury characteristics astrology.

Key CharacteristicDescription
Time Period17 years
Enemy PlanetsMoon and Ketu
Friendly PlanetsSun and Venus
Ruling DeityLord Vishnu
Exalted and Debilitated SignVirgo and Pisces
Associated ColourGreen

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Impact of Mercury On Zodiac Signs

The Budh planet in English, Mercury, impacts different individuals on Earth based on its placement in their zodiac signs. Let us see what happens when Mercury sits in any zodiac sign or rashi.

Mercury In Aries Sign

Meet the most unfiltered, honest and straightforward speaker in the presence of strong Mercury - the Aries. Mercury offers Aries natives the confidence to face the world and have the ability to silence others with a single, smart statement. As an Aries, you are honest and can’t stand lies. However, at the same time, you find it difficult to deal with failures.

Mercury In Taurus Sign

Mercury in Taurus sign makes a native practical in making decisions. As a Taurus person in this placement, you will be exposed to works that require great attention to detail and analytical skills. And rightly so, you will be able to analyse things at work and personal life deeply. Overall, with Mercury beside you, you will be able to display all your smarts.

Mercury In Gemini Sign

Gemini shines at work and in personal life under the influence of Mercury. As a Gemini, you also have Mercury ruling planet, which offers you good wordplay. This means you are inclined to fields that require communication, either through talking or writing. Moreover, you have an intelligent mind, and you like learning new things. Constant work bores you.

Mercury In Cancer Sign

The placement of Mercury in Cancer sign makes a person shy. Interestingly, this placement also impacts previously discussed Geminis and makes them introverted and nervous around people. Cancer natives are different during the day and in the night. As a Cancer with Mercury, you only open up in front of close friends. Also, you often have unrealistic desires.

Mercury In Leo Sign

Mercury in the Leo sign attracts a native toward genuine people. As a Leo, you may not use a lot of fancy words, but all you do is show honest emotions and feelings about a particular thing. Nothing is two-way for you. Either you like something or you don’t, and you are often extremely honest about it.

Mercury In Virgo Sign

With Mercury ruling planet visiting their Virgo, the natives become too practical and wise. People may confuse you as arrogant, but eventually, others realise they should have listened to you earlier. Moreover, you are a multi-tasker who can handle a phone call and write a mail simultaneously. Even then, you are not exhausted and may go for shopping the same day.

Mercury In Libra Sign

Mercury in Libra sign offers intelligence and a balanced approach towards life. As a Libra influenced by Mercury, people will get inspired by your thoughts and vision. Moreover, your siblings, if any, would look up to you for advice or times they need a shoulder to cry on. You may compromise for the happiness of your loved ones.

Mercury In Scorpio Sign

Mercury in Scorpio makes a native extremely thoughtful. As a Scorpio, you take speaking as a responsibility. And therefore, you take time before keeping your opinions and thoughts. And when you speak, you really mean it. Alongside, you like to go in-depth into subjects that interest you. You may not have a great bond with your siblings.

Mercury In Sagittarius Sign

In the presence of Mercury, a Sagittarius native is at a crossroads in terms of whether to accept a thought or not. As a person, you may either take someone seriously or not be serious about them at all. However, your adventurous spirit may motivate you to take bold steps like solo trips with strangers. Be mindful of stating things that are not factually true.

Mercury In Capricorn Sign

Mercury in Capricorn sign can offer the natives the power to express their thoughts clearly. As a Capricorn, your practical thinking will take you places and encourage you to get closer to your goals. Moreover, you only befriend someone with whom you can ask a lot of questions and share your personal experiences.

Mercury In Aquarius Sign

Mercury in Aquarius offers natives with a progressive mind. As an Aquarius, you are always up for a challenge and busy generating new ideas. Moreover, you focus more on facts than feelings, making you appear detached and emotionless. However, you are fun to hang out with, and your wit and humour keep everyone engaged around you.

Mercury In Pisces Sign

Mercury in Pisces sign highlights your creativity. As a Pisces, you take inspiration from your emotions and reflect them in artistic activities of your interest, such as, paint, poems, writing, music, dance or acting. In the presence of Mercury, you speak with compassion with everyone and your care towards others is received well.

Impact of Mercury On Different Life Areas

What does it really mean when the speedy planet Mercury appears to change directions? It influences different areas of life. Let us see how the Budh planet impacts us.

Mercury Impact On Love

When Mercury is direct, communication flows smoothly in your relationships. Your love life is filled with laughter, healthy discussions, and respect for each other. But when it's retrograde? Expect some arguments and misunderstandings with your partner. During this time, be extra clear about what you mean to avoid silly fights.

Mercury Impact On Marriage

When Mercury is in retrograde, people who wish to marry may face delays. However, once married, Mercury guides the communication compatibility between two people. Under the influence of Mercury, a husband and a wife speak with respect to each other and feel heard in a marriage. Moreover, they gain a sense of taking responsibility here.

Mercury Impact On Career

Here's where Mercury really shines. Its placement in your birth chart says a lot about your professional strengths, thinking style, and ability to sell yourself. A well-placed Mercury can gift you with great networking skills and a brilliant mind for data or writing. But what if it is a troublemaker Mercury? You could struggle with public speaking or meeting deadlines.

Mercury Impact On Finance

When it comes to making decisions regarding money, the role of Mercury comes into play. It governs all communications related to finance, both paperwork and meetings. Especially during the Mercury retrograde, one must avoid making any financial decisions and control oneself from excessive shopping. Be careful in money matters, as people can manipulate.

Mercury Impact On Health

Mercury alone does not have any impact on the health of an individual. It depends on what planets it is aspecting and having its conjunction with. If it interacts with friendly planets, it can promise good health and a fit body with mild illnesses that go away in a day or two. However, pay attention to unfriendly ones, as it can affect your vocal cords and ears.

Mercury Impact On Personality

Mercury has a major influence on the communication skills and thoughts of an individual. So, as a person impacted by a positive Mercury, your speaking skills and creativity will shine through. You will be able to impress others with your sense of humour and can indulge in some very insightful conversations. However, you can go shy and nervous under a negative Mercury.

Impact of Mercury Based On Houses

Ever thought about how to strengthen mercury? Well, one of the ways is to consult an astrologer and look for its position in the houses of your kundli. Based on the placement of Mercury, each of the 12 houses signifies something. Let us see what.

Mercury In Kendra Houses (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th)

Let us see what areas Mercury influences when it meets one of the Kendra Houses (1st, 4th, 7th and 10th).

  • Mercury In First House shapes how you think, communicate and present yourself (self-expression). A strong Mercury suggests confidence, while a weak Mercury hints at self-doubt.
  • Mercury In Fourth House can cause a clash between your analytical self and emotions attached to home and family. This can result in feelings of detachment.
  • Mercury In Seventh House relates to the closest one-on-one bonds and what you do to manage them. Difficulties, if any, indicate indecisiveness.
  • Mercury In Tenth House shapes how you are perceived professionally. A positive Mercury indicates great convincing power, while a negative one suggests difficulty conveying messages.

Mercury In Trikona Houses (1st, 5th and 9th)

Let us see the impact of Mercury in Trikona houses (1st, 5th and 9th).

  • Mercury in First House is already covered.
  • Mercury In Fifth House indicates strong creativity, humour and ability to impress the audience through speech or any performance when positively placed.
  • Mercury In Ninth House hints at higher learning, travel and gaining knowledge of different cultures.

Mercury In Upachaya Houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th)

Let’s look at Mercury’s impact on the Upachaya Houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses).

  • Mercury In Third House involves reasoning, learning and local interactions. A strong Mercury offers sharp intellect and speech while weak one can cause anxiety and confusion.
  • Mercury In Sixth House governs routines, duties and health. A strong Budh planet offers focus and multi-tasking abilities, while a weak one causes restlessness and health issues to the nervous system.
  • We already saw the Mercury In Tenth House.
  • Mercury In 11th House involves networking and your great hopes for the future. A positive Mercury here would mean progressive thinking and fulfilling collective goals, while a weak one can bring narrow-mindedness and unreliable friends.

Mercury In Moksha Houses (4th, 8th and 12th)

Below, we read about the impacts that happen when mercury visits one of the Moksha Houses i.e 4th, 8th and 12th.

  • Mercury In Fourth House is already covered
  • Mercury In Eighth House indicates understanding between couples and offers benefits in business partnerships if positively placed. While a weak Mercury can make you feel stuck in past pains and patterns.
  • Mercury In 12th House encourages you to focus on your inner feelings and self-awareness. But if negatively placed, it can lead to confusion and loneliness.

Mercury In Marakasthana Houses (2nd and 7th)

Now, let’s finally address the Marakasthana houses when Mercury sits in one of them.

  • Mercury In Second House impacts investments, material resources and self-worth. A positive Mercury here will indicate financial stability, while a weak Mercury would mean a lack of money management skills.
  • Mercury in 7th house is already covered in the Kendra houses.

Effects of Planet Mercury

One must know when to go for Mercury astrology remedies consultations. How do we decide that? First, we must bring our awareness to the bright side and dark side of Mercury. That means we must learn what happens when Mercury is positively and negatively placed in a horoscope.

The Bright Side Of Mercury

With its quick, clever energy, Mercury's bright side brings intellectual curiosity, impressive wit, and smooth communication skills. You're a smart multitasker who can handle many projects at once. Your sharp mind grasps knowledge well, and you love learning new things.

Excellent at analysing details and facts, you're a skilled problem-solver who can cut through complexities. The strong mercury benefits you with clarity of thought; hence, your way with words makes you a charming speaker and writer.

The Dark Side Of Mercury

The flip side of Mercury's influence can manifest as restlessness, mental anxiety, and disorganised thinking. You may struggle with focus, procrastination, and frequently changing your mind. Beware of getting so caught up in the small details that you miss the bigger picture.

An overly busy mind can lead to nervous habits like tapping your foot or biting your nails. You might also talk too much, interrupt others, or make careless mistakes due to impatience. Travel confusion, missed appointments, and frequent gadget malfunctions are also potential risks.

Powerful Yogas Formed By Planet Mercury

The next important thing to learn is the best position of Mercury in horoscope. The position of Mercury is good or bad depending upon the planets it is interacting with within a particular house. These positions form powerful yogas or arrangements that can influence one’s life.

Let us look at the powerful yogas formed by the Budh in astrology.

Auspicious Yoga Formed By Mercury

Now, Mercury friendly planets can form Auspicious Yoga with it in your horoscope, offering you various benefits. Let us look at the most powerful auspicious yoga formed by Mercury.

  • Buddh Aditya Yoga: This Yoga is formed when Mercury is placed with the Sun. This offers you a sharp intellect, good oratory skills, and success in academic pursuits.
  • Bhadra Yoga: This Yoga is created when Mercury joins an auspicious planet like Jupiter or Venus. It blesses you with wisdom, wealth through literary or business, and a charming personality.

Inauspicious Yoga Formed By Mercury

When enemy planets conjunct or aspect Mercury in your kundli, one can expect the formation of Inauspicious Yoga in horoscope, indicating some negative impacts. Let us look at the highly inauspicious ones below.

  • Buddh-Shani Yoga: This is formed by Mercury's conjunction with Saturn. It can make you overly analytical, critical, and prone to anxiety or depression. Overcoming such adverse yoga requires Budha graha remedies prescribed by an expert astrologer.
  • Budh Graha Dosh: This yoga is formed by Mercury is in conjunct with or aspected by malefic planets like Saturn, Mars or Rahu. It brings problems in communication, education and business.

Powerful Remedies For Planet Mercury

Now that we know the various effects of Mercury, both positive and negative ones, one may think about how to make budh strong. Let’s bring Mercury’s brighter side into our horoscopes.

Let us know below how to please Lord Mercury through various mercury remedies.

  • Remedy to ask Mercury favours: The most effective way to ask Mercury favours is to practice the most sacred Mercury Mantra - “Om Budhaya Namah” for 9, 18 or 27 repetitions daily.
  • Mercury remedy for students: Green agate and Bright green emerald are quite auspicious Mercury gemstone for students. These bring them enhanced communication skills, mental flexibility and intelligence.
  • Mercury remedy for career: On Wednesdays, donate green items like green clothes, vegetables or stationary. Keep your workspace clean and decluttered. This is also one of the effective remedies for weak Budh.
  • Mercury remedy for love: Please Lord Mercury by worshipping Lord Vishnu by reciting Shri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram. It helps maintain peace and understanding in love relationships.
  • Mercury remedies at home: Plant green leafy herbs like basil, mint or neem at home. Also, keep a piece of pure Mercury or Parad block during the foundation of a new house construction.
  • Remedy to improve Mercury’s position: One of the most effective weak Mercury remedies is to offer yellow or green sweets to deities on Wednesdays. Also, involve yourself in word games, puzzles, reading and writing.

Mythology Behind The Birth of Mercury

The budh planet in English, Mercury, is closest to the Sun in the solar system. Wednesday, also known as Budhwar, is dedicated to this graha. Lord Budh, associated with the planet, is believed to be the most intelligent of all graha gurus and removes all obstacles.

Once, Chandra, the Moon, decided to perform the greatest of Yagnas, the Rajasuya yagna. He invited Dev Guru, Brihaspati (the Jupiter) to be chief priest in the Yagna. For some reason, he could not go and sent his wife, Taara, instead. Taara and other Apsaras were charmed by the beautiful form of Chandra. Taara was pregnant when she returned home.

Taara was questioned about whose child was in her womb. She revealed it was Chandra’s. Angered, Jupiter cursed the child, saying that he would be a genderless being for life. This kid was known to be Mercury or Budh.

Mercury hated Moon for his misconduct with Taara all his life, and it is believed that Mercury conjunct with the Moon is inauspicious. Later, Mercury did tapasya in the Himalayas in the name of Lord Narayana. Pleased Narayana gave him the position of an intelligent and higher-mind planet in the universe.

Why Mercury In Astrology Matters?

Learning about Mercury planet astrology is essential to understand why certain things happen in our lives. For example, Mercury aspects which houses, helps us understand its influence on various life situations.

Let us see what Mercury planet astrology signifies.

  • Connection with Body parts: Mercury or Budh in astrology has a direct influence on the Nervous system, skin, face and thyroid.
  • Physical Appearance: People with strong Mercury are tall and have a heavily built body. They have long hands and a well-formed body structure overall.
  • Diseases Caused: Weak Budh can cause diseases like chest illnesses, itching, typhoid, pneumonia, jaundice, stammering, skin diseases and thyroid imbalance.
  • Profession ruled by Mercury: Mercury related profession include writing, journalism, teaching, accounting, banking, public speaking, and any other field that involves communication and analytical skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mercury symbolises communication, intellect, and the way we sense and process information. It governs our thought processes, reasoning abilities, and how we express ourselves verbally or through writing. A well-placed Mercury enhances clear thinking.
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo rashi. Especially with Mercury in 7th house, Gemini tends to be adaptable, curious and communicative. On the other hand, Virgo have a strong analytical mind with a detail-oriented mindset.
Lord Vishnu is associated with Mercury as Budh performed great tapasya or penance in the name of him, due to which Vishnu gave him a significant position in the universe. Hence, one must do Vishnu puja to strengthen Mercury in their horoscope.
If Mercury is weak in your birth chart or horoscope, you may face a lack of communication skills, less focus on details and very low confidence. You may not be able to put across your point clearly and may go silent in disappointment. Consider Mercury remedies to handle this.
To strengthen Mercury, one must look for weak Mercury remedies. For example, chanting Lord Vishnu strotam, practising Budh Mantra, wearing bright green emerald, etc.
Mercury is believed to give good results between ages 31 and 32. At this age, a person under the strong influence of Mercury must attain a stable career and good fortune and gain new skills to manage, organise, communicate and write.